Get a Class 6 motorcycle driver’s licence |
Step 1. Take a knowledge test Step 1. Take a knowledge test Go to a registry agent and take a knowledge test. You will need to bring your existing driver’s licence (Class 7 or Class 5) to the registry agent.Step 2. Pass a road test Step 2. Pass a road test Schedule a road test through a registry agent or online through the . You need to bring your own motorcycle or moped for testing. Ensure your cell phone is equipped with ear buds for examiner communication.Step 3. Purchase your licence card Step 3. Purchase your licence card Once you pass the knowledge and road test you will be able to purchase a Class 6 licence card. You will be given a temporary licence that’s valid for 30 days or until your licence card comes in the mail. Your licence card should arrive within 21 business days. If it hasn’t arrived in 21 days, call the number on the back of your temporary licence and you’ll be given instructions on what to do. Report the missing licence to a within 60 days of applying, or you may be charged for a replacement. When you get your licence card, you’ll have to destroy the temporary licence.Step 4. Upgrade to a full Class 6 licence Step 4. Upgrade to a full Class 6 licence You will need to drive for 2 years as a Class 6 GDL driver and have no licence suspensions during the last year to qualify for a full Class 6 licence. Once the 2 year probationary term is up, you can take a Class 6 advanced road test and upgrade to a full Class 6 licence. Contact Connect with Motor Vehicles: Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: Toll free: before the phone number (in Alberta)
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DA: 53 PA: 21 MOZ Rank: 85